Rödluvan and the ducks
in the early spring
Part 1,  2009
2009-04-16.  Spring was gone, winter came back.  I  tried to look grumpy but I was laughing instead, while my co-worker took this picture. :-) I had a polka dot hood again.
2009-03-14. Things had changed. Many ducks moved from the pond. and now they hade a partner. This couple was resting in the dead  "last year grass" near the entrance of the hospital.
2009-03-14. They had put out a lot of bread this day. Then the ducks were not hungry.  But some of them wanted my bread.
2009-03-14. Now there were less ducks in the pond.
2009-03-14. The Quack-quack couple was still there
2009-03-14. Quack-quack was drinking from the puddle and Quackely saw a bit of bread that I threw in the puddle.
2009-03-14. Now both were eating bread.
2009-03-14. And they wanted more bread.
2009-03-14. One duck  had a dancing show :-)
2009-03-14. A duck resting on the bridge.
2009-03-14. Two males who wanted to get the female.
2009-03-14. There was still snow on the ground. But in the water the green grass was growing. It looked strange.
2009-03-14. Quack-quack and Quackely in the water.
2009-03-14. Suddenly there came a big bird flying. It was the ambulance helicopter.
2009-03-14. Resting ducks standing on stones in the pond
2009-03-15. A miracle happened today. I found the first tussilago. I felt very happy to see the first spring flower.
2009-03-15. Quack-quack and Quackely in the dry grass.
2009-03-15. Quack-quack and Quackely good food again.
2009-03-15. The gulls came back and were in the pond. There was not so much open water yet on other places.
2009-03-15. Flap. flap, flap.
2009-03-15. Ducks and gulls
2009-03-15. Flying gulls.
2009-03-15. More flying gulls.
2009-03-15. Flap. flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap. flap, flap, flap. flap, flap., flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap,  flap. flap, flap.
2009-03-15. A gull standing in a puddle.
2009-03-15. This gull looks funny.
2009-03-15. Will this gull run into to me and then  land my hood? :-)
2009-03-15. It looks like the gulls are dancing.
2009-03-15. More flying gulls.
2009-03-15. Quack-quack and Quackely in the old dry grass.
2009-03-15. They got some bread then a gull also took bread.
2009-03-15. It was so beautiful to see the gulls flying.
2009-03-15. Quack-quack and Quackely took it easy.
2009-03-15. The sun was reflecting in the water.
2009-03-15. Here you can see the green head of a male.
2009-03-15. But when the light was coming from another site, the head looked blue.
2009-03-15. He is beautiful.
2009-03-15. The second bridge. Here the water goes down and becomes a little waterfall.
2009-03-15. A closer picture of the bridge and the waterfall.
2009-03-15. When there comes much water in spring in the creeks and rivers, we are talking about the spring flood.
2009-03-15. Spring flood.
2009-03-15. Spring flood
2009-03-15. The creek goes down and later through a little tunnel.
2009-03-15. At least the water will reach the river.
2009-03-15. A strange in the snow with water.
2009-03-15. In winter there were many ducks following me. Now only this lonely male was following. The other ducks had a partner. But he had not.
2009-03-15. He was so shiny and beautiful.
2009-03-15. But then he put his head in the mire (gunk) and it sounded : "Sjiff, sjiff, sjuff, sjiff" from his beak while he was drinking the mire water.
I could not help it, I started laughing. (Observe the duck at the left).
2009-03-15. - What are you laughing for Rödluvan?

- It's because of you're sounding: "Sjiff, sjiff" in the mire. Now I will call you for Sjiff-sjiff" :-)

2009-03-15. "Oh no! Look at that beak.  Sjiff-sjiff, you need to go to the pond and take a bath :-D
2009-03-15. A flock jackdaws , flying over the buildings.
2009-03-16. It was snowing again. It was cold too. And the tussilago had fold itself into a bud so it should not freeze.
2009-03-16. Snow over the pond.
2009-03-16. Quakc-quack was waiting for food again.
2009-03-16. These ducks were standing so funny.
2009-03-16. The ducks got food. The gulls dare not to come so near me.
2009-03-16. A duck with some snowflakes on his head.
2009-03-16. The ducks got food.
2009-03-16. Dancing in the snow.
2009-03-16. Lets have a fight.
2009-03-16. Here we go : "Flap flap!"
2009-03-16. Don't bite me!
2009-03-16. Ducks and gulls.
2009-03-16. One of the bridge ducks.
2009-03-16. Flying gulls.
2009-03-16. She was hesitating if she dare to take the bread.
2009-03-16. You can see on the duck's breast that it's snowing.
2009-03-16. Look at the female's head at the left :-)
2009-03-16. Eating again.
2009-03-16. Quack-quack and Quackely again. The head of Quackely at the right.
2009-03-16. Now it was hailing!
2009-03-16. I was hiding for the wind and the hail.
2009-03-16. I called this couple for "The bath ducks" because they always were beside the bath house.
2009-03-16. BRRRRRRRR !
2009-03-17. Quack-quack and Quackely got bread.
2009-03-17. Quack-quack and Quackely eating.
2009-03-17. More ducks were eating.
2009-03-17. Two males in a fight.
2009-03-17. FLAP, FLAP !
2009-03-17. Quack-quack and Quackely. A wonderful couple.
2009-03-17. Today there came a yellow ambulance helicopter.
2009-03-17. Three types of climate at the same place and the same time. The brown autumn grass, the white winter snow and the green spring grass in the water. This looks very odd
2009-03-17. I said goodbye to my small friends. But I should come back.

Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-12