Rödluvan in the snow
Part 29

Snowed in
I was stunned. I never have seen so much snow! It was not wet sticky snow. No this was cold snow that had drifted in the hard north wind.

I took the pictures myself by holding the camera in front of my head.

When I awoke she saw this. A part of the window was snowed over.
It was snowing like crazy!
The red star made a warm light in the Blue Hour
At the left a part of the snow in the outside window frame.
Snow on the yard. This picture also taken from a window. The blurry things are snowflakes on the glass window.
Snow art on the window.
I needed to go out with the trash. I came to the front door and......


Oh no!We are snowed in!

Yes the snow had drifted at the entrance. There was no way out from the front of the house. Now it only was to wait for the snow plow.
 I bend up the door and took some pictures while standing by the door.

The entrance. Where is it?

The left side of the entrance.
The right side of the entrance.
The roof of a low part of the house.. This is dangerous. If it should fall down on your head you will be hurt!
I tried to go out but it was too difficult.
The snow plow truck came in the street. This is a bus street so they must plow as soon as they can. But the radio said that not much busses could drive today.
Telephoto lens picture of our street that I took from the door of our house.
The roof with the dangerous snow.
I could not go out from the front door. Then I tried the back door from the basement.
There is the trash house. I needed to reach it.
But how to reach it?
I tried, and had to walk in the deep snow about 50 cm.
Oh me oh my!
The wind was so cold and the snow felt like needles. I protected my face with my hood.
My tracks in the snow from the backdoor.
Soon with the trash house. But.... oh-oh, the door was snowed in. Maybe I could go around this snow hill?
No, the hill was drifted snow, about almost one meter! I had to take home the trash again.
The path to the garage was gone under the snow too.
These cars were snowed in too.
That blue thing is the top of a motor heater. The post of the heater is under the snow.
The yard
The fence of the allotment is snowed over.
I had to go back to the back door. My face was as red as my hood! And my hands were so cold while I was taking pictures.
Pictures taken from the window. Where are the cars!
The cars are wrapped. It must be a late Christmas present :-)
Berries on the Swedish white bean.
This bike is almost under the snow!
More snowed in bikes
I put on the oven. It was warm and cosy in the kitchen. I made a gratin with leftovers from the ham. And I also had in asparagus, mayonnaise, cheese and cream in the gratin. I cut left over boiled  potatoes and fried them. Peas too the food.
Julmust to drink to the food. (root beer [drunk at Christmas]
Ice art on the window.

Outside there was a dad and his child. The dad had a spade and made a path to the play ground and also a path to the switch of the floodlight. (yellow at this picture) After it the child and dad could play in the snow. But they did not play a long time in the cold.

I was eager to go out and take more darker pictures. Like this photo that is taken 2009-12-23. But the thermometer said it was (minus) --15 degrees Celsius. And the snow was too deep for walking.
Wilhelmina Schedin. 2016-03-12