Rödluvan in the snow
Part 26

Gammlia open air museum
2009-02-28. Rödluvan in the woods by Gammlia.

Thanks to a woman who passed and took the picture of me with my camera.

2009-02-28. This is the Helena Elisabeth church. But it looks like it is snowed over.
2009-02-28. And this is the pond, also snowed over. Here is no streaming water and no ducks can be there.
2009-02-28. This path is not plowed. The track you see is made with skies.
2009-02-28. This is a little coffee house. In summer we use to sit outside the and eat an ice cream. In winter this is place is closed.
2009-02-28. The horse use to pull the carriage on this path in summer. But they did not plow the path. So you could not walk there.
2009-02-28. This is the little shed there the goat use to be in summer.
2009-02-28. A snowed in storing house.
2009-02-28. Another snowed in storing house.
2009-02-28. This path was plowed and we could walk there.
2009-02-28. Here is the table with chairs stored. In summer it is by the coffee house.
2009-02-28. The storing house for hay.
2009-02-28. This path was plowed to.
2009-02-28. Here the sheep use to be in summer.
2009-02-28. They made small ice sculptures because it was the Sámi week at Gammlia.
2009-02-28. They had plants frozen inside the sculptures.
2009-02-28. These are outdoor ice candles.
2009-02-28. They put small ice sculptures in the tree.
2009-02-28. There were spruce twigs inside the ice.
2009-02-28. Twigs inside the ice.
2009-02-28. This is nice art.
2009-02-28. This is a brand new building. It's a wooden house made like a kĺta there the Sámi can live while they are working in the woods.
2009-02-28. The front of the house. We call this of "Sameviste".
I can't find a word for this in English. I call it for the Sámi house, i have no better word for it right now.
2009-02-28. Inside the house. The fire place is in the middle. I was there the day before the house was inaugurated. Then there were no activities there.
Photo Ove Schedin.
2009-03-06. Ove was there in the Sámi week. Then there was a man inside who was baking fish over the fire. The sign on the door told that you could go in and visit the man and eat fish. They have spruce twigs in front of the door (like a doormat) So you can clean the snow from your boots before you go in.
2009-02-28. This will be a Sámi storing house that's not is build ready yet.
2009-02-28. The Gammlia woods.
2009-02-28. The Gammlia woods.
2009-02-28. They plowed a path in the woods so you could walk to the Sámi house.
2009-02-28. Small ice sculptures in the woods near the Sámi house.
2009-02-28. This is the enclosed field there the horses use to be in summer. You can't walk to the houses in the background. The paths are not plowed there.
2009-02-28. The Sámi put up these two kĺtor for the Sámi week.
2009-02-28. The enclosed field from another side.
2009-02-28. The coffee house from the other side.
2009-02-28. Much snow on the roof.
2009-02-28. A path that is snowed over.
2009-02-28. People made this little path by walking there. Dog owners use to go there.
2009-02-28. Aw! There is a dog. A little wolf :)
2009-02-28. But Rödluvan is still is going in the woods :-)
Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-12