Rödluvan in the snow
Part 21

Reindeer 5. At campus
2009-02-19. Me petting the reindeer Sixten. The reindeer Blixten is standing behind him. They were real beautiful reindeer.

Thanks to a Sámi woman Anna-Marja who took the picture with my camera.

2009-02-19. There was a kind of winter festival at Campus and I enjoyed it very much. They had reindeer too.
2009-02-19. I passed a Sámi tent named "kåta".
2009-02-19. This reindeer is named Sixten. Sixten was tame and used with people.
2009-02-19. Some of the visitors was petting Sixten on his nose.
2009-02-19. I took off my gloves and petted Sixten. His fur was very thick and soft.
2009-02-19. A visitor tried to let Blixten out of her hand. But he did not eat out of her hand. The reindeer are used to eat from the ground. And Blixten is not so used to people yet.
2009-02-19. The reindeer are eating lichen.
2009-02-19. Now Sixten also went eating.
2009-02-19. Is not Sixten beautiful!
2009-02-19. And Blixten is beautiful too.
2009-02-19. Sixten lost his antler last autumn. But later there will grow new antler on his head.
2009-02-19. A snowmobile. This is a very useful vehicle for the reindeer keepers.
2009-02-19. Sixten was looking at me.
2009-02-19. I was cold. I went in into the kåta to warm my hands.
2009-02-19. The fire in the kåta was nice. But they had no reindeer rugs on the ground. Here they had small benches.
2009-02-19. The smoke goes out in the hole in the roof.
2009-02-19. Sixten and Blixten. Two beautiful reindeer. I was very happy top meet them.

And soon I should meet them again :-)

Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-12