Foxy and the cat in the office
  This happened in August 1989
One of my colleagues at work was out in the patio at lunch. Then she heard the sound of a lonely kitten. The cat was sitting in one of the big flower boxes on the terrace. It was shivering of cold.  It jumped down from the flower box and came to my colleague. 
 When the colleague  went back in the house the cat walked after her and was meowing so sad. It was like it was asking. "Don't leave me, I'm so alone!"

My colleague took in the cat in her office. She took it on her knee and petted it. The kitten was a black and white and had white paws. One of the other women who worked in the office gave the little cat food and water.

I called the police. Nobody had lost a cat. I called the local radio and asked them to advertise. We also pasted a notice on the buss stop. But nobody asked for a lost cat.

We realized that this cat was deserted. Left to die.
All the co-workers and the boss loved the kitten. The boss said we could have the kitten some days at work. Now there were no students. Normally we can't have pets at work because people can have allergy.

The kitten was a good helper, she did sign papers and type on the type writer. :) (That time we had no computers yet).

We were out with her on the terrace sometimes and then she liked it. But she wanted to go in again when we went in. On the picturre at the right the kitten wanted a new paper sheet to type on. She was a real good co-worker to us. LOL  :-)
This kitty loved it when somebody played with her or could sit on somebody's lap and loved it when we pet her.  She also liked it to be on an  chair. It was real fun to have a cat at work.
But we knew we could not keep her at work. She needed an owner who could care for her. Fortunately the mother of a male co-worker took care of the kitten. She also gave the kitty a name, she was called, Gumman. (Word Finder translate this to "My old lady or "my dear" (love)
Gumman was a very funny cat who climbed in the Christmas tree and took mice and carried these mice home to the family. But the family did not like it when Gumman came home with her prey. Gumman was a cute little kitty
Gumman got a good home and was lucky. I felt happy that my co-workes saved the life of this kitty.

The story ended well

Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-10