Foxy and the horse Lorvtroll 5
Summer 2009
2009-07-19. Me at Gammlia. Lorvtroll is in the pasture.

This site also will tell about the other animals and the wonderful atmosphere and nature at the open air museum, Gammlia.

2009-07-23. Stjärnblixten was pulling the carriage. Lorvtroll was alone in the pasture.
2009-07-23. I went to the Helena Elistabeth Chapel at Gammlia.
2009-07-23. This is an old grain storing house
2009-07-23. A mansion named Sävar Gården. This is now a restaurant.
2009-07-23. This house is an old watermill.
2009-07-23. They had wonderful flowers in front of the church.
2009-07-23. A gorgeous flower.
2009-07-23. There were red roses in front of the museum.
2009-07-23. Duck in the pond.
2009-07-23. Duck couple in the pond.
2009-07-23. Me and the baker in the bakery.
2009-07-23. The husband of the baker is also a baker. Here he  making flat bread.
2009-07-23. The blacksmith's workshop.
2009-07-23. I was looking inside the blacksmith's workshop.
2009-07-23. The blacksmith

I got the permission to put the picture in this site.

2009-07-23. Horse shoes. I hope they will give me luck.
2009-07-23. The man who is the caretaker (janitor) was singing a song in the bakery. He was singing the song "I am the happy baker".

I got the permission to publish this picture

2009-07-23. Lorvtroll in the pasture.
2009-07-24. I was not to the open air museum this day. I was on the yard and met the cat Skorpan.
2009-07-24. This is Skorpan's brother, Pelle.
2009-07-24. The cat Lisa was sitting under the bushes.
2009-07-25. This day I was not at Gammlia neither. The "wolf" dog Igor visited us. :)
2009-07-25. It was raining and this flower got rain pearls.
2009-07-26. Blue hooded Ove in the woods on his way to Gammlia.
2009-07-26. Lorvtroll was pulling the carriage.
2009-07-26. There was a lot of water in the pond after the rain.
2009-07-26. Lorvtroll got a shower after the ride.
2009-07-26. Lorvtroll on his way to the pasture.
2009-07-26. Stjärnblixten was waiting for Lorvtroll.
2009-07-26. Together again.
2009-07-26. The cows.
2009-07-26. The cows.
2009-07-26. Ove by the pond. He is reflecting in the water.
2009-07-26. Today they had "The day of roses" They showed some roses that can grow here up north.
2009-07-26. People could come with pictures of their roses and tell if they had roses that can grow here and ask what kind of rose it was.
2009-07-26. Not all kind of roses can grow here. But some of them can.
2009-07-26. Ove on a bench.
2009-07-27. I was not to Gammlia. Because our son visit us. I was on the yard with my son and he took pictures of me.
2009-07-29. I was not to Gammlia this day neither. I made a trip to a water power museum. It was a wonderful place in the country.
2009-07-30. Lorvtroll and Stjärnblixten got hay.
2009-07-30. Later Lorvtroll was alone in the pasture. I picked some grass for him.
2009-07-30. Then I found delicious blueberries, growing on low twigs.
2009-07-30. A couple of ducks in the pond.
2009-07-30. This woman is carding wool.
2009-07-30. She also was spinning the wool.
2009-07-30. The open fire in an old house.
2009-07-30. An old coffee kettle.
2009-07-30. An old cabinet and a bed.
2009-07-31. I did not go to Gammlia today. I went to the church. I lit a candle and prayed.
2009-08-01. Dark clouds over the yard. There should be rain. I did not go to Gammlia. I had a lot to do at home.
2009-08-02. The pigs at Gammlia. This kind of pigs is smaller as common pigs.
2009-08-02. Stjärnblixten did not like it when Lorvtroll pulled the carriage and was not with him in the pasture. He started running around.
2009-08-02. Here he took a pause.
2009-08-02. Now he started to gallop.
2009-08-02. Going slow a while.
2009-08-02. Now he was galloping again
2009-08-02. He looked real cool.
2009-08-02. I took many pictures while he was galloping.
2009-08-02. Later he went trotting.
2009-08-02. Still running around.
2009-08-02. Now he saw Lorvtroll with the carriage and he was looking at him.
2009-08-02. Lorvtroll came to the start place with the carriage.
2009-08-02. I made a ride in the carriage.
2009-08-02. In the woods.
2009-08-02. In the woods
2009-08-02. Lorvtroll got a shower.
2009-08-02. It was rather hot and he liked the shower.
2009-08-02. A wet horse.
2009-08-03. I was not at Gammlia today. This evening a gorgeous moon was going up
2009-08-04. It was hot and I had a vanilla strawberry ice cream at Gammlia.
2009-08-04. Lorvtroll got a shower again.
2009-08-04. Now Lorvtroll was clean and went back to the pasture.
2009-08-04. Look what Lorvtroll is doing!
2009-08-04. He went rolling around in the mud.
2009-08-04. Now he is not clean anymore. The woman who cares for him said: "He is still doing like wild horses".
2009-08-04. Now Lorvtroll was grazing in the pasture with Stjärnblixten.
2009-08-05. I was not to Gammlia. She went to a wonderful place by the sea.
2009-08-06. Stjärnblixten was pulling the carriage today.
2009-08-06. Lorvtroll was alone in the pasture while Stjärnblixten pulled the carriage. He never had been in this pasture. He did not like it.
2009-08-06. Then he tried to escape. And pulled away a stock of the gate.
2009-08-06. He was trying to pull away the whole fence. Fortunately a guy who was used to horses came and put back the pole on the gate.
2009-08-06. There was an apple tree in the garden at Gammlia.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10