Foxy and the horse Lorvtroll 2
Summer 2009
2009-06-01. Lorvtroll pulling me in the carriage

This site also will tell about the other animals and the wonderful atmosphere and nature at the open air museum, Gammlia.

2009-06-27. Lorvtroll was standing in the meadow
2009-06-27. He was eating grass. Horses need a lot of grass or hay.
2009-06-27. I fed him with some grass. He liked it.
2009-06-27. Smile for the photo! I smiled and Lorvtroll was smiling too, look at his muzzle he, he :-)
2009-06-27. The have a little bakery at Gammlia. Here you can se how they are baking "tunn bröd" = flat bread.

I got the permission to publish some pictures of the woman.

2009-06-27. When she had roll out the dough she put it on a big spade.
2009-06-27. And put it in a wood heating oven.
2009-06-27. Here the bread is ready and you could buy it.
2009-06-27. I saw the horse Lorvtroll from the window of the bakery.
2009-06-27. These are mountain cows.
2009-06-27. This is Freja.
2009-06-27. This is Fjällan.
2009-06-27. There is a nice little café at Gammlia. We had an ice cream there. Ove with the ice cream.
2009-06-28. The horses Lorvtroll and Stjärnblixten.
2009-06-28. Stjärnblixten was rolling around on the ground.
2009-06-28. Now Stjärnblixten went standing up again.
2009-06-28. He followed Lorvtroll.
2009-06-28. The horses loved to be together.
2009-07-01. Midnight. There was a thunder storm and it was raining and hailing.
2009-07-01. In day time the weather was better. They prepared Lorvtroll to pull the carriage.
2009-07-01. Stjärnblixten was in the pasture and neighing and calling Lorvtroll.
2009-07-01. Stjärnblixten felt alone.
2009-07-01. Me in the carriage to take a ride with Lorvtroll.
2009-07-01. Here we go :-)
2009-07-01. I was alone in the carriage. I wait until the others had done their ride.
2009-07-01. I took pictures while sitting in the carriage.
2009-07-01. It's like a sight seeing and the horse was  at all the pictures.
2009-07-01. The  first red house is the café. The other house is a school house.
2009-07-01. The open air museum at the right and the woods at the left. On this path Lorvtroll was allowed to trot.
2009-07-01. Me waving at the people.
2009-07-01. The sky went dark.
2009-07-01. A black cloud came.
2009-07-01. It started raining. Ove put up his umbrella.
2009-07-01. Me  in the woods, laughing in the rain.
2009-07-01. When I came home I cooked and found this crazy potato. It looks like a duck :-)
2009-07-01. Now the sheep ha arrived at Gammlia
2009-07-01. They said "Baaa" when we passed.
2009-07-02. This day they were preparing Lorvtroll for horseback riding.
2009-07-02. But only the people at the staff who could ride a horse may do this.
2009-07-02. She was riding without a saddle. She was a skilled horseback rider.
2009-07-02. Horseback riding.
2009-07-02. After the ride the woman cared for Lorvtroll. Here she should check out his legs.
2009-07-02. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
2009-07-02. The rooster and two  of his hens.
2009-07-03. Lorvtroll should ride the carriage again.
2009-07-03. Portrait of Lorvtroll.
2009-07-03. Lorvtroll.
2009-07-03. There are three pigs. The breed is Linderö pig. This kind of pig is smaller as common pigs. The brown one is named Kläpp-Jonk an the pigs with black and white are called Rune and Sune.
2009-07-04. There were no tame ducks in the pond. But the mallards moved in there. Here a female.
2009-07-04.  A male mallard in the water.
2009-07-04. Harebells (Campanula rotundifolia)
2009-07-04. A close up of the harebells
2009-07-04. White bleeding hearts.
2009-07-04. A shed.
2009-07-04. Gammlia is surrounded of the woods.
2009-07-04. The goat Emil.
2009-07-04. The pigs.
2009-07-04. Today the horse Stjärnblixten was pulling the carriage.
2009-07-04. Lorvtroll was alone in the pasture. I gave him some grass.
2009-07-04. Lorvtroll in the pasture.
2009-07-04. Lorvtroll started to trot in the pasture.
2009-07-04. And suddenly he started to gallop!
2009-07-04. He seemed to be upset today.
2009-07-04. The woman came to calm him down and put on the halter.
2009-07-04. A jackdaw sitting on the roof.
2009-07-04. The rooster and two hens.
2009-07-04. The horse Stjärnblixten was coming back. The woman  opened the electric fence.
2009-07-04. Stjärnblixten walking to in the meadow.
2009-07-04. Together again.
2009-07-04. Fireweeds
2009-07-04. Closer picture of fireweeds.
2009-07-04. A field there they cultivate  flax. Later there will grow blue flowers on the plants
2009-07-04. The blacksmith's workshop.
2009-07-04. I met a cat on my way home.
2009-07-04. I should cook again. This time she had crazy mushrooms. Compare with the match box and look how big they are. I called them for milking stools :-)
Wilhelmina Schedin. 2016-03-10