Foxy to the sea
Part 3. 2007
2007-08-08. I was standing by the glistening sea. Feeling happy. We made a walk on the pier in Holmsund.
Here I'm standing on the beginning of the path of the pier in the sea. Cars can drive here to give service to the wind turbines. But private people may not drive here. But you may walk.
The endless sea. It is relaxing to look at the horizon.
Two wind turbines. The lighthouse in the distance is standing on an island. Some years later there should be 3 turbines.
The yellow flowers named tansy are fitting so well to the blue colour  of the sea.
Ove walking to the wind turbines. In winter it's dangerous to go there. Ice can fall down on your head from the wind turbines..
The Swedish singer and poet Evert Taube made a song named "Så skimrande var aldrig havet". That means. "The sea never had been so  glistening". I understand why the poet wrote this song.
I big boat in the distance.
On the sides of the road were a lot of beautiful wild flowers.
There were a lot of wave breakers. Some boats has to go in there. The path we were walking on is a big pier.
Here you can see one of these wave breakers.
Flowers and the glistening sea.
A little private boat.
A wave breaker, and in the distance a navigation mark.
The light house on the island.
Tele photo lens picture of the light house.
There are ducks in the bay.
The ducks a little closer.
Me is taking pictures. In the background the harbour in Holmsund.
Beautiful with the deep blue colour.
The pink flowers are fireweeds.
Close-up picture of fireweeds. The blue water in the background.
It's so relaxing to stand here and look out over the sea.
Two very small islands.
This light house is standing on the bottom of the sea.
A navigation mark.
Some more wave breakers and fireweeds.
The pilot boat is coming.
Here the big path ended and there was only a small path. But we turned back here.
Me by the endless sea.
Ove by a wind turbine.
The wind turbine.
Ove by the harbour.
Ove going to his car on the parking lot in the harbour.

© Photo: Wilhelmina and Ove Schedin

Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10