Foxy in Haparanda


Me in front of the hotel in Haparanda. Feeling exhausted.
This bus should have taken us to Haparanda. But the bus broke in Skellefteċ. :-(
We all should go out and take out our luggage. And the bus driver had to take out the goods. And there we were standing, waiting for a new bus.
The new bus was coming. And now the bus was delayed and there was no time for a pause when the bus stopped in the different towns. And the new bus had an irritating "ding, ding" sound the whole time. The bus driver had a lot of work to get away that kind of alarm sound.
The bus driver did not have a good day. I had to hurry to the restroom in Luleċ, because the bus only stopped there a short time.
It was wonderful to come to the hotel and go to the bathroom without stress and get a tap with water so I could wash my hands.
The bed was wonderful. We took a nap and slept very hard. Vi both were was so tired after the bus trip.
And outside the hotel the rain was falling, like tears.
Later when they awoke there was a wonderful rainbow over Finland. and the sun was shining!
From the hotel room you can see the bridge in Finland.
The hotel is named Haparanda stadshotell. A beautiful old building.
The backside of the hotel.
We had our room in the newer part of the hotel. Our room is at X.
This sculpture is on the square park in front of the hotel. It's named "the bridges". This symbolize that the bridges connect the two towns, Haparanda in Sweden and Tornio in Finland. together.
There were wonderful flowers in the park.
Wonderful blue flowers.
Some rain pearls on the leaves.
This almost looks like a lilac but it are flowers on a bush.
A nice pot with flowers.
These were also in a flowerpot.
This sculpture with flowers was so cute.
Closer picture of the flowers.
The fountain.
Me by the fountain.
Old house in Haparanda.
The Torne River in Haparanda.
Me walking by the river.
On this peaceful place I went calm again.
The gulls found some food.
Flap, flap, flap, flap :-)
The water tower in Haparanda.
A wonderful garden
Ove in Haparanda.
Beautiful birches.
This is Ikea i Haparanda. The word "Entrance" is on the building in Swedish and in Finish. But the visit became a disappointment for me.
1. There were so much people and it was so crowded so we had not a chance to see anything.
2. The things I wanted to buy there were out of store and could not be ordered by the net.
3. I was too tired to go there a long while.
4. The restaurant at Ikea was so full of people and  a long queue and it should have been difficult to find an empty  table.
The only thing that was funny was this cow. But this was a showing cow and it was impossible to find in Ikea where you could buy the thins they had in the showing rooms. I wanted a grater but this was out of store too.
Fortunately I has good neighbours and a neighbour bought the grater for me in another Ikea in the town Sundsvall.
Ove in the park by the hotel.
We were hungry in the evening after the long bus trip without a pause and opportunity to buy some food.. They had good food in the restaurant of the hotel. We had planked steak. With mashed potatoes. Yummy!
I felt better now.  And was happy we could walk by the river. and happy for the flowers and the the flowers and the nice staff at the hotel. I slept well in the good bed. And the next day whe should go to Finland.
Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-10