Foxy and the cat Laban
2008, 2009
Now I want to tell about a cute white cat. His name is Laban.
2008-01-25.  Laban lives in the same house and the same floor as me.
2008-01-25. I was visiting Laban. He laid down and wanted to be pet.
2008-01-25. And he wanted to be pet more he was a real nice cat.
2008-01-25. Laban looks real cool with his a black tail.
2008-01-25. Here he is sitting so nice and I got a good picture of him.
2008-01-25. He went playing again.
2008-01-25. Laban walked to me.
2008-01-25. Laban is sniffing on the floor.
2008-01-25. Look there is another cat in the house.
2008-01-25. Laban did not care about the other cat. He understood it only was his reflection in the mirror.
2008-01-25. It looks real funny with that mirror.
2008-09-24. Laban was out on the yard.
2008-09-24. Again he was sniffing. He wanted to examine everything.
2009-05-10. Now it was spring and Laban was out on the yard again.
2009-05-10. He liked to walk near the house.
2009-05-10. Laban looking at me.
2009-05-10. Laban was looking at something interesting.
2009-05-10. Laban walking to me.
2009-05-10. It's fun to walk on the yard.
2009-05-10. Laban did not want to go in. He was struggling and sat down on the path.
2009-05-10. Mon had to carry him. But when he came in the hall he wanted to walk up the stairs.
2009-05-21. Laban in the bike basket. This looks so funny. Maybe he want to bike to the shop and buy cat food :-)
2009-09-05. Laban was back from his vacation in the country.
2009-09-05. Is not he sweet :)
2009-09-05. Laban always goes up the stairs to his home.
2009-09-05. I'm always feeling so happy when I meet Laban.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10