Foxy and the autumn
Part 6
Late autumn  2007
                            Happy Foxy and happy ducks :-)
Now the autumn soon was almost over. But I remembered the mother with her ducklings. So much fun I had with them. This picture was taken in June 2007.
But now it was: 2007-10-11. It was dusk at seven in the morning.
2007-10-11. The starlings were in the grass by the pond. Early in the morning.
2007-10-11. Lunchtime. There were 5 ducks eating my bread.
2007-10-11. The crow was waiting for it's turn.
2007-10-11.  There was a strange duck in the pond. I never had seen that kind. I could not find any duck on the internet that looked like that one.
2007-10-11.  Still autumn colours at campus
2007-10-11.  The starlings were there again at lunch.
2007-10-11. This female always come first to me. She is not afraid.
2007-10-11. The ducks flying to me.
2007-10-11. And landing in the water near me.
2007-10-11. Flying duck.
2007-10-11. the strange duck also came on land. It has has the same kind of beak as the mallards. I'm wondering it it can be a mallard that has deviating colours.
2007-10-11. A mala mallard and the strange duck.
2007-10-11. Something scary happened for the ducks. There was a hard bang from the building working place. Then the ducks flow away.
2007-10-11. Scared duck flying away.
2007-10-11. Ducks landing in the water.
2007-10-11. Here the ducks were quacking like in a chorus.
2007-10-11. The duck on land is the one that never is afraid for me.
2007-10-12. There was a thin film of ice near the strand of the pond.
2007-10-12. The lonely duck could not reach me because of the thin ice..
2007-10-12. I found a place there the duck could come on land. She was hungry.
2007-10-12. When the duck went back to the water she had problems with the thin ice.
2007-10-12. Lunch time. Two ducks were observing me but could not reach me because of the ice. But I found a place there I could feed them.
2007-10-12. The ducks seems to have a swimming competition :-)
2007-10-12. Who will win :-)
2007-10-12. The male mallard flapping in the water.
2007-10-12. Female and male.
2007-10-12. They seem to be a wonderful couple.
2007-10-12. There were 4 mallards and 1 golden eye in the pond.
2007-10-14. Swedish white beam on the yard.
2007-10-14. The berries of the Swedish white beam.
2007-10-14. Late autumn on the yard.
2007-10-14. Sea buckthorn on the yard.
2007-10-15. There were still ducks in the pond at campus.
2007-10-15. Ducks at campus.
2007-10-16. Acorn I  found under the oak at campus.
2007-10-16. Starlings. Most of the leaves are gone.
2007-10-16. I called this duck for the lonely duck. She sometimes was alone in the pond. But later there were more ducks in the pond again. This duck  was not afraid of me. But the others were afraid and they got food in the water.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10