Foxy and the ducks at Campus in autumn
The sun was shining and the gorgeous rain pearls were glistening on the Aronia berries. I was stunned about it. Nature has the most beautiful art. 2006-10-02.
I went to the pond. Here the water was smooth as a mirror.  2006-10-11.
Another day when it was windy the water was rippled. 2006-10-09.
The leaves were falling down and were rustling under my shoes. 2006-10-09.
The birch with the restaurant was also gorgeous this year.
Here you can see the restaurant on the other side of the water. I used to eat my lunch there. 2006-10-09.
The ducks were swimming in a line and this looked so funny :-)
Here they were swimming in a V shape. 2006-10-18.
The sun is shining rather low now. 2006-10-11.
Aronia bushes. 2006-10-09.
The bushes are reflecting in the water. 2006-10-11.
The little pond on the other side of Campus was overgrown with weeds. 2006-10-02.
Some ducks were coming to me. But I had not any bread that day. 2006-10-02.
Peaceful. 2006-10-11.
These flowers are in bloom very late in autumn. 2006-10-02.
Such beautiful colours. 2006-10-12.
It's so beautiful with the yellow leaves and the blue sky. 2006-10-12.
These trees are not so common here. They use to have beautiful colours. 2006-10-09.
Ducks following me. But suddenly they flew away rather scared. 2006-10-11.
It was because of a crow suddenly came flying and it was rustling in the tree when it came. The craw also got some bread. But the crow was afraid to come too near. 2006-10-12.
A little plane was flying over the Campus.
I found a beautiful fly agaric at the Campus. 2006-10-09.
And I found these funny toadstools. 2006-10-09.
The ducks were waiting for me. 2006-10-11.
Here the ducks were swimming and following me when I walked around the pond. 2006-10-11.
Me feeding the ducks. One duck was standing on my shoe. LOL :-D. 2006-10-12.
Another duck was standing on my shoe. :-) 2006-10-12.
Two ducks were in a fight while the third duck was looking at them. Who will win ? 2006-10-12.
A duck asking for more food. But now I had no bread left. The ducks were so hungry and all bread was gone. 2006-10-12.
When I walked away the ducks were following me. 2006-10-12.
I found an oak at the Campus. Oak is not common in the north of Sweden. 2006-10-11.
The leaves on the oak. They have no autumn colours yet.
Acorn I picked up on the ground under the oak. 2006-10-11.
O got this beautiful duck made of wood from a colleague.
The duck is standing on the computer in ,y s office. 2006-09-19.
These ducks are almost camouflaged. 2006-08-28.
Duck and a little gull. The gull also got a bit of my bread.
These leaves are gorgeous.
This picture is taken in June when the duck-mama had ducklings. They are so cute. 2006-06-14.
2006-06-14. Another picture taken in spring. I gave the ducklings small pieces of bread.
Here the female was swimming with the ducklings. 2006-06-13.
In June the male ducks still had their feathers and the green head. 2006-06-14.
Back to autumn: A male mallard in the water. 2006-10-18.
A female mallard in the water. 2006-10-18.
This male was asking me for bread. 2006-10-18.
Two females came on land, and they scared away the male mallard.
This female was the one who always dare to come near me. But she also was very greedy. 2006-10-18.
Coloured bushes and trees. In the background the house there I'm working. 2006-10-12.
This is decoration cabbage. And there were still some flowers.
Here you can see all kind of colours. And the clear blue sky. 2006-10-11.
This sculpture named "Norra Skenet" (The Northern Light) came to campus in the year 1969. The artist is Ernst Nordin. 2006-10-18.
It's grey. But in sunshine it almost looks white. There is light in it so it's glowing in darkness. The colour of the light is white. 2006-10-18.
It's made of pipes of aluminium.  2006-10-18.
This picture is taken from the down side of the sculpture. And you can see the blue sky through the pipes. 2006-10-18.
Yellow leaves on a birch. 2006-10-18.
Yellow and green leaves on a birch. 2006-10-18.
This aspen has lost all the leaves. 2006-10-17.
Ducks in summer, male and female. 2006-06-29.
Here another person was feeding the ducks. And here they are standing and waiting to get bread. 2006-06-29.

sometimes I was laughing so much at the funny ducks that she almost was falling over. :-)       Photo: Lennart Schedn. 2006-07-27

But what happened. Are the bushes in bloom again? No it is snowing and the snow looked like flowers on the bushes. 2006-10-20.
Snow flowers. 2006-10-20.
Snow berries. 2006-10-20.
Ice berries. 2006-10-20.
The first snow in the wood by work. 2006-10-20.
It looked so grey and cold by the pond. And there still were ducks. 2006-10-20.
Now the sculpture also looked grey. 2006-10-20.
2006-10-20. King Bore came with winter. I walked home in the snow. Snow crystals on my hood.

But I should remember the wonderful spring, summer and autumn. And my walks between all the wonderful flowers.

Photo: Wilhelmina Schedin.

Wilhelmina Schedin. 2016-03-10