Foxy and the flowers
Part 9.  2006, 2007
Flowers on the yard
Me standing in the shadow under a birch on the yard. Enjoying nature paradise.
2007-06-08. This wonderful crab apple is growing near the garages of our yard.
2007-06-08. Crab apple.
2007-07-09. A close-up picture of bleeding hearts.
Photo taken by Ove Schedin
2006-06-28. Bleeding hearts and some nice blue flowers.
2007-06-09. Bleeding hearts beside the front door of our house.
2007-06-09. Bleeding hearts.
2007-06-09. Close-up picture of bleeding hearts.
2007-06-09. Close-up picture of bleeding hearts.
2007-06-08. Close-up picture of bleeding hearts.
2007-06-08. Bleeding hearts.
2007-06-08. Bleeding hearts.
2007-06-08. Bleeding hearts.
2007-06-08. White bleeding hearts on the yard.
2007-06-08.  Wonderful blue flowers.
I don't know the name of them.
2007-06-08. Purple tulips.
2007-06-09. Yellow tulips.
2007-06-09. Ping tulips.
2007-06-09.  Rowan flowers.
2007-06-09. A close-up picture of a rowan flowers.
2007-06-09. A pelargonium on the kitchen table.
2006-07-17. A pelargonium on the yard.
2006-06-28. Red pelargonium and a cosmos.
2007-06-09. Globeflowers. (Trollius europaeus)
2004-06-13. Globeflowers. (Trollius europaeus) on the yard.
2007-06-09. Hawthorn on the yard
2007-06-09. wonderful flowers in a pot.
I don't know the name.
2007-06-11. These flowers are tiny. I took a close-up picture of them. They grow on a bush and in autumn there grows orange berries.
2007-06-11. Rowan in bloom.
2007-06-11. A new meeting with the duck and her ducklings. All seven ducklings were there and that made me happy.
2007-06-11. Duck race for a bit of bread. :-)
2007-06-11. The mother chased away onohter duck.
2007-06-11.  Later they came on land and went following me.
2007-06-11. The mother watching her ducklings.
2007-06-11. Are not they cute.
2007-06-11. It looks so nice to see the duck in the green grass.
2007-06-11. Now the Swedish white beam is in bloom. Taken from the balcony.

It was raining when I came home and I could not take pictures. That's why I now will show some old pictures of the Swedish white beam.

En old picture taken. 2002. Swedish white beam.
2002. Swedish white beam.
2004-06-19. Swedish white beam.
2004-06-19. A close-up picture of the Swedish white beam.
2006-06-18. Swedish white beam.
2003-06-22. A close up picture of the Swedish white beam. There was a little insect on the flowers.
2007-07-11. I bought nectarines in the shop. But these cannot grow in Sweden. They came from Spain :-)
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10