Foxy and the flowers
Part 7.  2006, 2007
The duck in the pond at Campus
200707-04. Me with the pond holding on the birch. And again the birch took care of my sorrow.
2007-07-04. And I could walk in nature and find peace under the oak. It's not common with oaks in the north of Sweden. This oak was planted at campus by a gardener.
2007-07-04. Early morning. The pond was smooth as a mirror.
2007-07-04. The ducks with her ducklings in the grass.
2007-07-04. The duck with her ducklings in the water.
2007-07-05. Are not they cute?
I heard the warning "Quack" of the duck mother when I walked over the bridge. But when the duck mother saw it was me, she came on land with her ducklings and I was allowed to feed them.
2007-07-05. After it the ducks went back to the water. Here they are swimming in a line. How cute.
2007-07-05. The duck and ducklings at lunch time
2007-07-05. Waiting for bread again :-)
2007-07-05. Some other adult ducks were coming. But they dare not to come near the duck with her ducklings.
2007-07-05. Snow and ice in the pond???
No this is "flying" seed that comes from trees.
2007-07-05. The seed was falling down everywhere, even in the water. And the ducks went a little dusty because ot fhe seed.
2007-07-05. The mother is watching while the ducklings are eating.
2007-07-05. Now they went to the patio near the pond.
2007-06-06. A gorgeous blooming apple tree on our yard.
2007-06-06. These apple trees on the yard are rather small.
2007-06-06. Apple bloom
2006-06-08. Apple bloom
I took this picture of apple flowers with the ant  2003-06-15.
2007-06-06. The rowan is not in bloom yet.
2007-06-06. Pink flowers in a flowerpot.
2006-06-06. These tiny flowers grow in a rock garden cross our street.
2007-06-07. A meeting with the ducks again.
2007-06-07. When I walked away they were following me. LOL :-)
2007-06-07. The ducklings were swimming away without their mother. Then the duck mother was quaking high and called them. Here the mother met the ducklings. And they were together again.
2007-06-07. This duck female was not afraid and was begging some students for food. The duck saw that they had sandwiches. There were two more ducks who came begging. One of the students went scared when one of the ducks was flying away with a loud FLAP, FLAP, FLAP. And then came back begging bread again. The ducks were so funny and I could not stop laughing :-)
2007-06-07. Later the duck was flying to me. And she landed beside my feet. I was not afraid if the duck was "flapping" with her wings. But I told the duck that the bread was eaten and gone. It was like the duck understood what I sad and she flied away to the pond.
2007-06-07. A crab apple  tree with white flowers.
2007-06-07. A close-up picture of the white  crab apple flowers.
2007-06-08. This day began good. I met the dog Nilla on my walk to work. But this picture of Nilla is taken 2006-06-13. But also this day  Nilla was happy and rushed to me to be petted..
2007-06-08. The end of the school semester at my work. Lilacs and the flag.
2007-06-08. An Aronia flower. The red spots in the flowers are seed.
2007-06-08. There were dandelions growing everywhere.
2007-06-08. Here some dandelions that bloomed over.
2007-06-08. A close-up picture of an over bloomed dandelion.
2007-06-08. Ducklings in the glistening water.
2007-06-08. The mother was there watching them.
2007-06-08. Two adult males came but the mother did not allow them to come near her ducklings.
2007-06-08. A female goldeneye and one of the ducklings. I gave the goldeneye some bread too. But the ducklings did not like this.
2007-06-08.  The duckling shooed away the goldeneye. Even though the goldeneye was bigger as the duckling, she was scared away. It looked so funny that this little duckling could scare away the bigger duck. I was laughing.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10