Foxy and the flowers
Part 3.  2006, 2007
Spring 3
If you are sad, you can go to the birch. Tell all your troubles to it. Then the birch will take over your sorrow and carry them for you.

I was standing with a birch that  had got new small leaves. The leaves had a wonderful light green colour. I will continue take you to  the wonderful land of flowers.

2006-05-08. Wood anemones. It's not common that these flowers are growing here in wild. But someone did pant these for many years ago and then they stayed and went growing wild.
2006-05-08. A near picture of the wood anemones.
2007-05-23. A close-up of the wood anemone. But it was almost bloomed over.
2006-05-17. The leaves stopped growing when it went colder. With the creek at the campus the Marsh Marigold was growing. This flower  is coming in the middle of May. It grows with streams.
2006-05-17. Here you can see the Marsh Marigold better. Only a few flowers were blooming.
2006-05-23. It was colder again. And it was raining. Now there was much water in the creek and the water was rapid.
2007-05-22. The scilla in the grass with a little bridge over the creek.
2007-05-22.  A close-up of the Marigold.
The students had painted a flower on the white board. Later there was a little bee too :-)
2006-05-17. The creek at campus.
2006-05-17. The grass by the pond went green. In 2007 I saw the same wonderful view of the green grass with the pond.
2007-05-21. The birches had got leaves, and the grass was green.  Spring was here. I took a walk near the water and walked under the bridge.
2007-05-21. Then I came to the paradise.
2007-05-21.  Barbarea vulgaris. I don't know the mame in English.
2007-05-21.  Silene dioica Clairv. I don't know the name in English. I had to hold the flowers between my fingers because the wind was blowing.
2007-05-21.  Dandelion.   Taraxacum F. H. Wigg
2007-05-21. This dandelion was already bloomed over. But it was standing on a warm place.
2007-05-21. A Magpie.
2007-05-21. There were sparkles on the water. One of my friends called them "water-stars". I think that is a good name. Sparkling stars shining in the water.
2007-05-21. It was warm on the south side of the pond. The students were sitting on the grass.
2007-05-21. When I came back to work I found this on the white board, the word "sommar" = "summer" and a happy sun.
2007-05-23. Another wonderful spring day. I went to the pond  by the hospital. The water was smooth and the small white clouds were reflecting in the water.
2007-05-23. People had put out bread to the birds. On the picture you can see 2 mallards (ducks) a crow and a little sparrow (at the right)
2007-05-23. A couple of ducks eating my bread.
2007-05-23. I found a male widgeon sitting in the grass. The female was in the water.
2007-05-23. The male and female widgeon swiming in the pond.
2007-05-23.  A little sparrow.
2007-05-23. A duck will take a bit of bread that is floating in the water.
2007-05-23. Three ducks sleeping in the grass.
2007-05-23. Is not this duck gorgeous?
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10