Foxy and the flowers
Part 26, 2009.
  The yard part A
2009-05-14. Me by the white lilacs. The yard was like a paradise.
2009-05-14.  I enjoyed as big part of my vacation and weekends on the yard. And took a lot of pictures. I was stunned of the beautiful flowers.
Me walking on the yard. Here I was like e a red flower, sometimes my jacket was beige and sometimes  red.
2009-05-17. Me petting the "wolf" dog Freja. One of my neighbours own this dog.
2009-05-23. It was spring. The daffodils and the tulips were growing.
2009-05-23. Wonderful tulips.
2009-05-23. Rainbow over the yard.
2009-05-23. I got these pansies to my birthday.
2009-05-24.  A beautiful tulip.
2009-05-25.  I got these flowers to our anniversary.
2009-05-25.  Wonderful flowers.
2009-05-25.  This pink rose was gorgeous.
2009-05-27. Spiraea arguta.
2009-05-27.  Another picture of the wonderful flowers.
2009-05-30. Bird cherry.
2009-05-30. Bird cherry.
2009-05-30. Bird cherry.
2009-05-30. Spring flowers on the yard.
2009-05-30. Blue grape hyacinth
2009-05-30. White grape hyacinth.
2009-05-30. Fritillaria meleagris
2009-05-31. A beautiful garden behind the street there I live. For many years ago there was a moose in this garden. The owner tried the chase away the moose but did not succeed.
2009-05-31.  Wonderful flowers that grow around stones.
2009-06-02. Apple-blossom.
2009-06-02. Apple-blossom.
2009-06-02. Flowers on a tree.
2009-06-02. A flowering tree. At the left you can see the pines in the park.
2009-06-02. Flowers on a tree.
2009-06-02. A flowering tree.
2009-06-02. An apple tree on the yard.
2009-06-02. Cowslip. (Primula veris)
2009-06-02. Forget-me-not.
2009-06-02. Forget-me-not. They use to grow wild. But the neighbour had them in her garden.
2009-06-02. White grape hyacinth. This picture taken on a cloudy day.
2009-06-02. Flowers on a tree.
2009-06-02. Flowers on a tree.
2009-06-02. A flowering tree.
2009-06-02. Spiraea arguta.
2009-06-02.  Flowering tree
2009-06-02.  Bleeding hearts.
2009-06-02. Bleeding hearts.
2009-06-02. Bleeding hearts.
2009-06-02. There were a lot of dandelion on the yard.
2009-06-02. Flowering trees.
2009-06-02-05. A gorgeous flower.
2009-06-05.  These tulips have such a beautiful colour.
2009-06-05.  Strawberry flowers.
2009-06-05. White tulips.
2009-06-13. Lilac in our street.
2009-06-13.  Apple flowers.
2009-06-13. White lilac.
2009-06-13. Globeflower
2009-06-13. Such a gorgeous flower.
2009-06-13. Swedish white beam.
2009-06-13. Light pink tulips.
2009-06-13. Dandelion
2009-06-13. Close-up picture of lilac.
2009-06-13. Swedish white beam.
2009-06-13. Lilac
2009-06-13. Lilac.
2009-06-13. Lilac.
2009-06-13. Lilac
2009-06-14. This day it was raining. There were rain pearls on the leaves.
2009-06-14. Rain pearls on the flowers
2009-06-14. Rain pearls on the trellis.
2009-06-14.  The strawberry plants in the rain.
2009-06-14. Red Riding Rain Hood in the rain. Picture taken in the window of the front door.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10