Foxy and the flowers
 Part 23.  Widgeon ducklings
and hedgehog
Ove took this picture 2008-06-13. Me under the oak by the pond. An oak can't grow here from the beginning. This one was planted when it was bigger.
2008-06-12. Dicentra formosa on the yard.
2008-06-13. Crab apple.                                 Photo: Ove Schedin
2008-06-13. Crab apple.                                 Photo: Ove Schedin
2008-06-13. Lilac
2008-06-13. Me beside the new spruce tree. It was just planted and there is a heap of soil beside the tree.
2008-06-14.  I visited the Labradors Casi (brown) and Nilla (black).
2008-06-15. White bleeding hearts in front of our house.
2008-06-15. Buttercups on the yard.
2008-06-15. Close-up picture of a lilac cluster.
2008-06-15. Hooded Ove by the lilacs.
2008-06-16. I thought there were mallards coming tome.
2008-06-16. But when they came closer I saw it was a widgeon female with her ducklings.
2008-06-16. They came on land.
2008-06-16. The mother came closer to me with her ducklings.
2008-06-16. Here she showed up the cute ducklings. Oh, this was soooo cute to see. I was touched that the widgeon mother trust me so much.
2008-06-16. Here she was looking so proud :-)
The widgeon has black legs while the mallards has orange legs.
2008-06-16. I fed the mother and the ducklings. I made small crumbs of the bread. But the ducklings did not eat it. But some days later they did.
2008-06-16. Here the widgeon ducklings were in the water.
2008-06-16.  The proud widgeon father of the ducklings.
2008-06-16. Wild flowers by the pond
2008-06-16. A mallard mother with 9 ducklings.
2008-06-16.Ducklings in the sparkling water.
2008-06-16. The lonely ducklings were chased away by the mother with the 9 ducklings.
2008-06-16. Mallard mother and child.
2008-06-16. The mallard mother with her 9 ducklings again.
2008-06-16. They are so cute in the sparkling water.
2008-06-17. Early in the morning. On the walk to work I saw a hedgehog on the neighbour yard.
2008-06-17. A closer picture of the hedgehog.
This picture of a hedgehog is taken on our own yard. Taken some years ago at 2005-07-08.
Then the hedgehog was drinking from a puddle. This is picture also taken some years ago at 2005-07-08.
2008-06-17.  Early in the morning. A female mallard came on land. A male is in the water
2008-06-17. Three mallard males on land begging for food.
2008-06-17. The widgeon with her ducklings again. Now the ducklings could eat small crumbs of bread.
2008-06-17. Later the mallard ducklings came. Unfortunately the mallards was chasing away the widgeons.
2008-06-17. Lupines.  I read that they are poisonous. These flowers were on a place by a building in shelter. They came later on our yard.
2008-06-17.  Red clover. (Trifolium prate) I found them in the grass beside a sidewalk.

2008-06-18. The truck with the zoo in the window. These are stuffed animals. I think it's funny to see them. :-)

Look at the left of this picture. Then you can see Ove standing in the distance :)

2008-06-18. Me by the new planted tree. At seven in the morning.
2008-06-18. The oak by the pond at campus. (left) Oaks can't grow here. There are only a few oaks here that has been planted when they had grown as a little tree in a plantation. Later they can be bigger like this one.
2008-06-18. The peaceful pond.
2008-06-18. The peaceful pond.
2008-06-18. The peaceful pond.
2008-06-18. The peaceful pond.
2008-06-18. The peaceful pond.
2008-06-18. Now the ducks saw me and they came swimming to me.
2008-06-18. After it the mother with the 9 ducklings came.
2008-06-18. These ducks went on land to get food. Then they could not be chased by the duckling mother.
2008-06-18. This picture was taken against the light. I think it looks real cool :)
2008-06-18. Ducklings taken with against the light.
2008-06-18. The widgeon mother.
2008-06-18. The widgeon. The ducklings were in the bushes. I  gave them some food.
2008-06-18. But soon the mallard mother with the 9 ducklings came and the widgeons had to go.
2008-06-18. Now there were 2 mothers with ducklings.
2008-06-18. The ducklings were hungry.
2008-06-18. Two ducklings in the water.
2008-06-18. Cute to see these ducklings in the grass.
2008-06-18. A proud mother with her ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
2008-06-18. Ducks and ducklings.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10