Foxy and the flowers
 Part 21.  Ducklings
This picture is taken 2007. Happy me feeding the ducklings.
2008-06-03. A mother with ducklings s in the creek.
2008-06-03. The ducklings camouflaged in the creek.
2008-06-03. Here they look so funny :)
2008-06-03. Swimming in a line :-)
2008-06-03. Duck family.
2008-06-03. A closer picture of the ducklings.
2008-06-03. Here they are swimming so funny in a line. :-)
2008-06-03. Racing ducklings :-D
2008-06-03. A lot of ducklings.
2008-06-03. Mother and 2 ducklings
2008-06-04. Early in the morning
2008-06-04. They were hungry again.
2008-06-04. this is the mal "Quack, quack" and his family.
2008-06-04. Still waiting for food.
2008-06-04. Peaceful.
2008-06-04. The family of "Quack, Quack" again.
2008-06-04. Peaceful.
2008-06-04. Two mallard males and a golden eye at the left.
2008-06-04. The duck couple "Quack, quack" and ducklings
2008-06-04. A wonderful and peaceful morning.
2008-06-04. The pond in the sunlight early in the morning.
2008-06-04. I love this view!
2008-06-04. It was a peaceful morning.
2008-06-04. A flowering tree and bush.
2008-06-04. A magpie in the grass on the yard.
2008-06-04. Apple tree in bloom.
2008-06-04. A closer picture of the apple blossom.
2008-06-04. Apple blossom.
2008-06-04. Dandelion.
2008-06-05. Ducklings and mother early in the morning.
2008-06-05. A mother with ducklings in the water and another mother with ducklings in the grass.
2008-06-05.  Fourteen ducklings.
2008-06-05. Mother and ducklings eating the bread that I threw in the water.
2008-06-05. The Quack, quack family.
2008-06-05. The widgeon couple in the grass.
2008-06-05. The widgeon couple saw me.
2008-06-05. They came for food. The male now took the food from me. He had been so afraid before. But now he trust me.
2008-06-05. The male and female taking food from me.
2008-06-05. Here the widgeon couple is talking together :)
2008-06-05. A new duck mother with ducklings.
2008-06-05. Mother and ducklings.
2008-06-05. A funny picture :)
2008-06-05. The mother with the fourteen ducklings again.
2008-06-05. The mother with the fourteen ducklings
2008-06-05. Now there were two mothers with ducklings.
2008-06-05. A female flying up.
2008-06-05. Two mothers with ducklings
2008-06-05. Mother and ducklings in the high grass.
2008-06-05. Mother and ducklings.
2008-06-05. This looks cute.
2008-06-05. I was enjoying the pond and the ducks so much.
2008-06-05. Mother and ducklings.
2008-06-05. Many ducklings.
2008-06-05. The mother and many ducklings.
2008-06-09. A new mother was begging for food.
2008-06-09. She had her ducklings hidden in the creek.
2008-06-09. A mother with 11 ducklings
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10