Foxy and the flowers
Part 2.  2006, 2007
Spring 2
This picture is taken in the middle of May 2003. The daffodils are in the background.
2007-05-05. Blue anemone in the woods by work.
2006-05-04. I saw some wonderful small flowers named "Blue anemone" in the woods by work. It's not common that this flower is growing wild in the north of Sweden. But somebody did plant them for many years ago and after that they started growing wild on this place.
2006-05-04. Here another picture with Blue anemone. One of them is not burst yet.
2007-05-04. A Blue anemone on the yard. Here you can see how tiny these flowers are. It was cold and the flower was not real open.
2007-05-01.   It was only 1 degree Celcius. A cold north wind was blowing. The grass was not green yet. The yard was empty. On the terrace were 2 grills. Somebody had been so optimistic and tried to have barbecue the day before. But then there was slush and hail and they had to give up.
2006-05-10. Near a warm and sunny wall I found the first dandelion.
2007-05-04. Dandelion on a sunny side near a wall.
2006-05-10. More dandelion near a warm and sunny wall.
2007-05-05. I got this bouquet with yellow roses, purple iris, purple freesia and some yellow flowers. It was for her birthday at May 7. But it was more practical to get the flowers in the beginning of the weekend.
I got the little plastic flower on my birthday for 2 years ago from myr son. He bought it in Japan and the little flower can rock. The energy source for the rocking flower is day light. People in Japan have them in the windows and you can chain together more of these flowers.
2007-05-05. A close-up of the rose and the iris. Indoors it was spring. The iris had not opened yet.
2007-05-07. Now the iris had opened. It was stunning.
2007-05-07. A close-up of the rose. I whispered to the rose: "You are gorgeous".
2007-05-08.  A new sign of spring There was a spade growing in the tree. LOL :-)
2007-05-08. I saw a strange "flower" between the daffodils. It was not a flower it was a 20 crowns banknote. I said: "Such funy flowers are growing here, I must go to that place again and look if more of them will grow up. :-)
2007-05-08. A wagtail (Motacilla alba alba ) was walking on the dry grass.  The grass was still not green everywhere.
2007-05-08. The students were funny. They sometimes were drawing a bird or a squirrel on my white board. This time they did drew a little bird that said "Hej" and then it was pooing :-)
2007-05-08. The next day the student had been drawing a twig for the bird, and some music notes. And now the bird is singing. He, he, he  :-)
2007-05-08. These buds had not burst yet. The sky was grey and it was rather cold. There was a male and a female mallard (Anas platyrhyncha  in the pond.
2007-05-10. There was also a couple of goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula ) in the pond. They wanted to eat my bread. They were often diving and are good divers. They could be under water about a long time.
2007-05-10. The lonely duck male and the goldeneye female.
2007-05-11. The squirrel by work showed up in the woods. I was very happy to see him. In winter the squirrel is grey and in summer it' is brown. The squirrel is changing coat and you still can see a bit of the grey coat on the back or the squirrel.

2007-05-15. That day the same squirrel was there a long time. And I  also heard the bird named chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

2007-05-11.  Some days earlier there was a spade growing in a tree. Now I found some earphones growing in a tree. Look at the red   arrow there you can see the cable. I was wondering if there was a big stereo equipment was hidden with the pond. Strange things seems to hang in the trees here.  LOL :-)
2007-05-11.  Some small leaves and some small cones.
This picture of a couple of widgeon (Anas penelope ) is taken:
2003-05-22. Then the grass was green. I have seen this couple every year in the pond at campus. They are afraid and it's not easy to get them on a picture. But I was alone and walked very quiet and could get them with the telephoto lens.
2007-05-09. I picture of the couple of widgeon (Anas penelope) in the water.
2007-05-11. Today the lonely male came and wanted be fed.
2007-05-11. Then the widgeon female waned my bread too. I was amazed because the widgeon was so afraid for people. I think she was hungry. But the male widgeon did no want to come and he was calling for her with his  "Peeew" sound.
2007-05-15. Today I saw 3 couples of widgeon in the pond. And also one lonely male who tried to steal a female from the others. Then there was a little fight when 2 widgeons were flying up a little bit over the water and run into each other.

But there were more things happening. One of the couples went mating. The male rushed after the female and it seemed that she almost disappeared under the water.

But how about the flowers?
It had been so cold only some plus degrees. Later windy and rainy. Only the crocus and daffodil could survive. But the crocus had  fold their flowers because it was too cold. Even the dandelion had fold the flowers. And not all daffodils were in bloom at May 15, 2007.

Down below some daffodil pictures of 2007, 2006.

2007-04-24. I found some daffodils that were growing in shelter on a sunny place. There were rain pearls on the flowers.
2007-04-26. I close picture of one of the daffodils. This flower could grow because it was in shelter on a warm place.
2007-05-09. Close picture of daffodil. The colour is brightening up the grey cloudy day.
2007-05-05. These daffodil were growing in shelter near the wall of a  house.
2007-05-08. There were 2 ducks on the grass. I threw some bits of bread to them. But then they went scared and went to the water.
2007-05-08. The gulls got my bread instead.
2006-05-08.  At the south side of the pond the daffodils were in bloom.
2006-05-08. I went closer to them.
2006-05-08. And closer!
2006-05-08. The grass was already green on the south side. But on the other side it still was brown.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10