Foxy and the flowers
Part 16.  2007.
 The end of the summer
Me in the woods feeling happy.
2007-09-04. Ove picking and eating some black currants on the yard
2007-09-04. A friendly dragon in the woods.
2007-09-04. Peaceful morning by the pond.
2007-09-04. Peaceful in the early morning.
2007-09-04.Here the ducks are coming again. :-)
2007-09-04. There was a lonely goldeneye in the pond.
2007-09-04. The forget-me-not were still in bloom.
But there were already autumn colours.
2007-09-05. It is so relaxing to look at the ducks who are swimming in the pond.
2007-09-05. A man was sitting on a bench eating a sandwich. And the ducks observed this. LOL :-)
2007-09-05. The man gave the ducks a little of his lunch. On the picture the bit of bread is coming down and has not hit the ground yet.
Ha, ha, ha! Now more ducks were there and they were begging the man's whole lunch. :-)
2007-09-06. A sunny day and ducks in the pond.
2007-09-06. On the other side of the pond you could dance African dancing.
2007-09-06. This duck went dancing African dancing too.
2007-09-06. More duck dancing African dancing.
2007-09-06. But look, there is a student swimming in the pond with a cow. But it was an inflatable cow :-) LOL
2007-09-07. It did not bother this duck that students and cows were swimming in the pond.
2007-07-04. This picture is taken in Stockholm at the zoo Skansen. But it may illustrate a story about a moose in the woods by work.
It was Nilla and his mom who met a moose calf when they were out an evening. Nilla was not afraid at all, she was standing and barking at the moose. And the moose was only standing there and looking scared. After it the moose turned around and run away in the woods in the direction there I have my office. But then I was not at work.
2007-09-07. These bushes had pink flowers in spring. Now it has orange berries.
2007-09-07. Autumn is here. I found lingon berries in the woods by her office.
2007-09-07. A close-up picture of a lingon berry
2007-09-07. When I came to work I found these pictures on my white board. A sun, a squirrel, a duck and the footprint of a moose. LOL :-)
2007-09-09. In September there are still flowers. They are the late summer flowers.  Aster
2007-09-09. Aster
2007-09-09. Aster
2007-09-09. There was still malva but the flower  was fold because of it was chilly. And now it looked like a rose.
2007-09-09. These flowers are very tiny.
2007-09-09. Dogrose flower and rose hip
2007-09-09. Nastrium.
2007-09-09. Sun flower.
2007-09-09.  African Marigold
2007-09-09. Marigold.
Gladiolus 2006.
Another cone flower
2006. "Prince Gustav's blue flower".
2007-09-09. Sweet pea. Here you can see the pea too.
2007-09-09. Me taking pictures on the yard.
2007-09-10. The lonely duck was still in the pond at campus. And she came to me for getting food. Then suddenly the rain went pouring down. I had to hurry back to work.
2007-09-10. My Fjällräven jacket with rain pearls.
2007-09-11. A rainy day. I was Red Riding Rain Hood today. In the background the leaves of the fireweeds. They are orange now.
2007-09-11. The park workers at the hospital put a pot with these beautiful dahlias in the park.
2007-09-11. But there are already autumn leaves. Here with rain pearls.
2007-09-11. A duck and a young gull waiting for my food.
2007-09-12. A woman is feeding the ducks by the hospital. You can see her shadow.
2007-09-12. Many ducks eating the food.
2007-09-12. This dusk is asking the woman for more food. :-)
2007-09-12. A close-up picture of a dahlia.
2007-09-13. This is the lonely duck in the pond at campus again.
2007-09-13. She came on land and I fed her.
2007-09-13. After it I went to the hospital. The ducks saw me and came swimming to me.
2007-09-13. A lot of ducks following me, this looks so funny :-)
This summer went by so fast. I was enjoying it so much. And wanted to share it with others. When the winter storm will roar outside, I can go and read the stories of the wonderful summer.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10