Foxy and the flowers
Part 15.  2007.
 Late summer, ducks, squirrels
Me with the sun and the moon by my side. In the early morning. You can see the moon high above me.
2007-08-14. The ducklings are adults now.
2007-08-14. He, he, they are so funny :)
2007-08-14. Do you want more food?
2007-08-14. Now I had to go. But the ducks were following me.
2007-08-14. OK, I have a little bit food left.
2007-08-20. Flying duck that saw me coming.
2007-08-21. The most tough duck is standing on my shoe.
2007-08-21. I was feeding with my left hand and taking pictures with my right hand..
2007-08-21. The duck opened the beak to take the food from my hand.
2007-08-21. The ducks following me again.
2007-08-21. And they seemed to follow me to work.
2007-08-21. Waiting for food.
2007-08-22. Eating from my hand again.
2002. Old picture of an apple tree on our yard.
2002. Apples
2002. Close-up picture of an apple.
2007-09-09. Apple tree taken this year.
These apple are bought in a shop. They look real shiny
I got some lettuce from a neighbour. Then this slug also followed in. It looks real cute :)
2007-08-22. The oak at campus.
2007-08-22. Duck feeding from my hand again.
2007-08-22. Duck following again.
2007-08-22. Here they are following in a line.
2007-08-22. Peace by the pond.
2003-07-04. Yarrow (milfoil). This wild flower grows the whole summer. And late in autumn too.
2004-07-15. Here I found both white and pink yarrow.
2007-08-27. Waiting for food again.
August 2005. Sunflower on our yard.
2007-08-30. Here the duck was flying up to me to get the food. When I dropped the bit of bread it was coming down on the beak of the duck LOL :-)
2007-08-30. The duck took the bread out of my hand.
2007-07-30. Here they come again, swimming to me.
2007-08-31. They are so funny.
2007-08-31. The moon was shining in the morning over the house there I'm working and shining over the woods.
2007-08-31. The ducks saw me and came to me.
2007-08-31. This are typical autumn flowers that grows at campus.
2007-08-31. A close-up picture of the autumn flower at campus.
2007-08-31. When I came to work the squirrels were in the trees  chasing each other.
2007-08-31. There was good daylight and then I could get good pictures.
2007-08-31. Up and down.
2007-08-31. This one is light brown.
2007-08-31. And this one is dark brown.
2007-08-31. So cute!
2007-08-31. He, he :-)
2007-08-31.  Almost on the ground.
2007-08-31. Turning around.
2007-08-31. Up in the tree again.
2007-08-31. Almost on the ground.
2007-08-31. Sitting on a branch.
My favourite squirrel picture. Taken in June 2006.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10