Foxy and the flowers
Part 13.  2007
Flowers on our yard
I'm living far from the botanical gardens. But here on the yard I found my flower paradise. My neighbours planted all these beautiful flowers.

Not all the flowers pictures are taken 2007 because all are not growing on the same way every year. That's why I also put in pictures of earlier years. I don't know all the names and then did  not write a text under these.

Foxglove (digitalis).
2007-07-25. Arctic raspberry. These are growing near the ground. They are delicious! They most grow in wild and are hard to find. In Finland you could buy these frozen, but not in Sweden.
2007-07-25.  Delphinium.
2007-07-25. Cornflower.
2007-07-25. Cornflower.
2004-07-28. Cornflower.
2004-08-07. Cornflower.
2004-08-09. Cornflower.
2004-08-09. Cornflower.
2007-07-25.  Zigadenus elegans. This flower is rare.
2007-07-25.  Lysimachia vulgaris.
2007-08-09.  Zinnias. The blue flowersa are Echium plantagineum. The white flowers are Gypsophila paniculata.
2007-07-25.   Calendula officinalis.
2007-07-25. Raspberry.
2007-07-27. The cat Lisa.
2007-07-25. Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea)
2007-07-25.  Foxglove  (Digitalis purpurea)
2007-08-09. The cat Sigge likes to sit here.
2007-08-09. The cat Sigge likes balancing.
The light green plant has very soft leaves. It's called lamb ears
2007-07-25.  Aster.
2007-07-25.  Aster.
2006-07-17. Mallow.
2004-08-14. Mallow with rain pearls.
2007-07-25. Zinnias.
2007-07-25. Lillies.
2007-07-25.  Poppies
2007-07-25.  Gaillardia "Arizona Sun".
2007-07-25. Poppy
2007-08-09.  Malva
2007-07-25. Cosmos.
2007-07-25. Poppy.
2007-07-25. Poppy.
2007-07-25. Poppy.
2007-07-25. Poppy.
2007-07-25.  Carnations.
2007-08-09. Pink spiraea.
2007-07-25. A chair in paradise.
2007-07-25. Black currant. We all may take of these. They are delicious
2007-07-25. Marigolds.
2007-07-25. Viola.
2007-07-25.   Scabiosa caucasica. There are both blue and white Scabiosa caucasica.
2007-07-25.   Cosmos.
2006-06-28. White clover.
2007-07-25. Lily.
2004-07-13. Crimson crane's-bill
2004-08-07. Flax.
2004-08-20. Sweet pea.
2004-08-14. Sweet peas
2004-08-20. Zinnia.
2003-08-24. Sunflower.
2004-08-09. Sleepyhead. California Poppies.
2004-07-29. Sleepy head. California Poppies.
2004-09.10. Redcurrant
2004-09-11. Whitecurrant.
2006-08-18. Two bumble bees on the coneflower.
There was also a fox on the yard that looked like this. Guess who it was :-)
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10