Foxy and the flowers
Part 11.  2006, 2007
Ducklings, magpaies gulls, flowers
Ha, ha, ha! I became a duck mother :-)
2006-06-17. For one year ago there was a  baby magpie on our yard.
2007-0-17. Blue Lupines on our yard
2007-0-17. Blue lupines.
2007-06-18. The adult ducks were in the grass and then I fed them. The mother and the ducklings were there to shoo away them.
2007-06-18. A female.
2007-06-18. Some more adult ducks came for food.
2007-06-18. The mother and the ducklings came as soon they saw Me.
2007-06-18. Peaceful and beautiful.
2007-06-18. Me feeding the ducklings again.
2007-06-18. The adults also tried to get some food. I gave them when the duck mother did not see it.
2007-06-18. Ove and the ducks.
2007-06-18. I moved on around the pond. Then a gull was diving and screaming to me. The gull tried to scare away me. Then I got a good picture of the gull.
2007-06-18. Another gull attack.
2007-06-18. Later I understood the reason of the gull attacks. She had babies. I did not go near them. I did not want to scare the babies.
2007-06-18. I took pictures of the gull babies with the telephoto lens.
2007-06-18. Here the babies were on there way to the pond.
2007-06-18. The flower on these bushes are called: Bouquet spiraea. there is a bee on a flower.
2007-06-18. I  found some beautiful flowers in the garden of the neighbour  condo.
2007-06-18. Beautiful flowers in the garden of the neighbour  condo.
2007-06-18. This flower looks like a rose.
2007-06-18. Tagetus.
2007-06-18. I don't know the name of this flower.
2007-06-18. A beautiful flowerpot.
2007-06-18. White lilac in the garden of the neighbour condo.
2007-06-18. A neighbour on our yard had grown radish.
2007-06-19. A new meeting with the ducks again.
2007-06-19. It was wonderful to see the ducks in the blue water.
2007-06-19. Adult ducks following me for food.
2007-06-19. But the mother of the duckling did not like this. Only her ducklings should get the food.
2007-06-19. The duck mother and the ducklings on their way to me again.
2007-06-19. I had the ducklings around my feet.
2007-06-19. And almost on my feet.
2007-06-19. Are not they cute!
2007-06-19. The mother is always watching her ducklings.
2007-06-19. My shoe seems to be interesting for the ducklings :-)
2007-06-19. Forget-me-not near the pond.
2007-06-19. A closer picture of the forget-me-not.
2007-06-19. A close-up picture of a forget-me-not.
2007-06-19. A poppy on our yard.
2007-06-19. Chive
2007-06-19. Beautiful blue flowers.
2007-06-20. The duck mother and the ducklings saw me coming and were swimming to me.
2007-06-20. They were following me again.
2007-06-20. Some adults came in land.
2007-06-20. Adult ducks.
2007-06-20. The ducklings around my foot again.
2007-06-20. The ducklings are bigger now.
2007-06-20. The ducklings are very hungry.
2007-06-20. Forget-me-not.
2007-06-21. Here they come again.
2007-06-21. Hungry as usual. Picture taken early in the morning.
2007-06-21. This picture was taken early in the morning.
2007-06-21. Ove took pictures of me and the ducklings. And it looks so funny. First me, and behind me the ducklings the duck mother at the end of the line. :-D
2007-06-21. Me and the ducklings. The mother is watching again but the mother also want to be fed.
2007-06-21. LOL :-)
2007-06-21. When I'm turning around, the ducklings are turning too.
2007-06-21. Following again.
2007-06-21. He, he, he, now I seem to be a duck mother:-)
2007-06-21. Now the ducklings are on my feet.
2007-06-21. They become more and more tame.
2007-06-21. The gull was watching her babies again.
2007-06-21. The gull babies are. Telephoto lens picture.
2007-06-25. Beautiful flowers around the trunk of a birch. In the north of Sweden the birches has a white trunk.
2007-06-25. A close-up picture of the beautiful blue flowers.
2007-06-25. Bouquet bushes with a staircase at campus
2007-06-25. Pink lupines on our yard.
2007-06-25. A close-up picture of a pink lupine.
2007-06-26. It was raining. Rain Red Riding Hood went to the pond.
2007-06-26. But the ducklings did not come. There were only two adult ducks.
2007-06-26. Rain Red Riding Hood fed the two ducks. I missed the ducklings so much.
2007-06-27. Another day and it was sunny again. The duck mother and the ducklings were back.
2007-06-27. Now they were on my shoes LOL
2007-06-27. He, he, he, I was laughing! The ducklings were so funny. :-)
2007-06-27. Now I had them on my shoes again :-)
2007-06-27. Here I had another wonderful time with the ducklings.
Wilhelmina Schedin.2016-03-10