POLITICAL STRUCTURE Kwown space is an irregular sphere of about 200 light years in radius. Most of the area is occupied by the ConFed, except for a smaller sphere of ILR territory. The periphery of known space is referred to as the "rim", and contains a number of independent, unaligned worlds. Quite a few of these worlds have not been heard from since shortly after the beginning of the war. CONFED Before the war, the EDF could count on VLCC (Very Large Command Carriers) which could transport numerous mechanized infantry units. Those units also had extensive facilities that enabled them to manufacture just about any piece of equipment, and even help rebuild a planet's industry so long as supplies held. Obviously, those ships were high-value targets, and only one yet survives. The EDF controls a significant part of merchant shipping, and all those merchants have been modified to receive armament and, when there are enough ACVs (quite unlikely) they have the firepower of a frigate. The current EDF fleet strength is quite small, limited to one or two battle cruisers, a few light cruisers, and handful of destroyers, and several ships of lighter firepower. Those ships are spread thin, very thin. And most of them have only a few ACVs on board due to the shortage of those missiles. THE HOMEGUARD While this used to be an EDF concern, system defense is now partially left to the Homeguard: the EDF provides trained personel, and tries to faci- litate the acquisition and transport of system defenses, but, in most cases, does not have the ships necessary to assure the system defense of every colony. PLANETARY GOVERNMENTS In few words, anything goes. Dictatorship, democracy, comunism, anarcho-syndicalism... Odds are that somewhere, a given form of government will exist. So long as this does not violate the ConFed charter, ConFed has little to say in the inner working of a government. In this age of trouble and uncertainty, there often are opposition groups or movements, armed or otherwise. This complicates things tremendous- ly, especially in places where the opposition targets irreplaceable equip- ments, or needed supplies. ILR: INDEPENDENT LEPINE REPUBLIC During the war, even more draconian controls were put on non-rabbits, with disappearances, "interrogation" sessions, and the like a relatively common occurence. Even now that the war is ended, those measures persist. While the ConFed has been much better on the issue of civil rights, rabbit citizens of ConFed member systems have had to face some limitations of their rights, and, in the opening stages of the war, after the strikes that razed whole cities, quite a few lepines were lynched by angry mobs. The ILR military fight a hard and often dirty war. While not fana- tics, ILR troops are highly motivated, and by and large larck any sympathy for their opponents. Acting entirely without malice, they will readily per- form the most shocking atrocities, but only after coolly calculating the long range results and far reaching impacts. Republican troops will fight with great ferocity, but will surrender when it becomes clear that they can no longer cause damage to their opponents. Currently, the ILR is extremely weak. Its industry nearly totally wiped out, the heavy civilian losses, and the near total destruction of its fleet and space stations has made it so that the only way the ILR can possi- bly hope to survive, and eventually recover is to raid "enemy" or neutral colonies for needed supplies, and have its ships pirate isolated merchants. While the EDF is aware of this, there is little it can do as the ILR does not outright attack ConFed systems, and, more importantly, the amount of ACVs remaining for ILR systems defense is such that it would be very costly for the EDF to take any serious action. NEUTRALS Surprisingly enough, neutral systems abound, especially on the rim. As it is, they are mostly small colonies or stations that have little in the way of population and industry. Those colonies hoped to avoid taking a side in the war, and generally managed to survive intact. The aftermath of the war, however, hit those colonies very hard. Alliances having little for themselves in the way of shipping saw no reason to divert critical ressources to support and defend those colonies. If a colony is not self-sufficient in its basic needs, the EDF might try, if the ships are available, to help the colony, but this is irregular at best, and traders do not often stop at those unlucrative colonies. Evacuation often is not an option. The future for these colonies is bleak, and some of them have seized, or tried to, merchant ships in the design of using those ships for their own exclusive needs. While this worked, at first, it also had the effect to drive away those tra- ders that might have been willing to help. And then, of course, there are the pirate havens. Systems that survive, even thrive on pirate trade. Pirates, often little more than armed merchants, bring the booty in-system, and the least fussy of traders come in-system to trade for it. While both the EDF and ILR try to put an end to this, the number of ships in-system renders the task of stamping the pirates out fairly difficult. And every pirate ship destroyed is another merchant ship blown away... ENCHAWAH Before the war, Enchawah was THE biggest interstellar corporation: it outright owned several systems, and had stakes in quite a few others. As it is, the founder of the corporation saw the war as inevitable many years in advance and prepared for it. In relative secret (Enchawah controled several shipyards), the company built a small but professional fleet. The crew of the ships came from the Enchawah merchant fleet, and most of the officers were ex-EDF discharged officers. It is still not known why, but a significant part of the most brilliant EDF officers were retired or dis- charged a few months before the war. Most of them ended up in Enchawah. The ILR had not planned for serious resistance from the Enchawah worlds, and they were surprised. As a result, Enchawah weathered the war better than any other, and even managed to incorporate in its defenses a few very important defenseless colonies. Enchawah and the ConFed cooperate closely to try and find long term solutions. While life is generally better on an Enchawah world or station, it does not come without a cost: Enchawah expects the best from its citizens (the word employees comes to mind), and visitors often compare the discipline of the citizens to that of ants. ---- You may use this file for personal use. You may also redistribute it provided that this message is there and no alterations have been made to this file. Albedo and Birthright are copyrighted by Steve Gallacci. This file was written for use with my Albedo email game; elements in it may very well diverge from the official storyline. As well, in this or other files, certain elements may have been modified to suit my game. This file may contain game-related information directed at my players that make no sense to you: I unfortunately do not have the time to go over my files and make the necessary corrections. Louis Fillion kamerym@cam.org (main address) lfillion@buscom.ca (secondary address) ----